24 Modules

Week 1 Welcome-Getting Excited! Prepared! Course Overview

Welcome to the beginning of the Equine Performance Technician Curriculum. This is the first big step that will change you and horses lives forever! Are you ready?!!

This is your welcome- Week 1 

Week 3A - Current Understanding of Birth Problems and Crookedness in Grown Horses (Theory & Science)

This is the whole story and overview of how I discovered and uncovered Birth Physiology(TM)- The foundation of this entire system and The Leading EDGE Performance(TM) Curriculum.

This also includes Birth Trauma and any supporting research I have found. This is a completely under-studied- maybe even missed entirely - field of study.

I plan to break it wide open. But I cannot do it alone. A big part of my WHY is to do the research and create the teams and collaboration to do this. That includes you! (but don't worry about that right now) :) No pressure or anything lol! 

Week 4A - HORSE TIME! Preparation of the Horse & Documentation

This is the backbone of the entire system AND the foundation of the Universal language to systematically and correctly describe Equine upper body pain, crookedness, asymmetry, bio-mechanic unevenness, etc. etc. 

You must be able to correctly identify and pinpoint a horses asymmetry, and be able to describe it consistently , systematically and effectively so that is communicates and lands with others.

But we start at square one, with you first. :)

Week 4B - HORSE TIME! Visual Evaluation and Assessment

This is the backbone of the entire system AND the foundation of the Universal language to systematically and correctly describe Equine upper body pain, crookedness, asymmetry, bio-mechanic unevenness, etc. etc. 

You must be able to correctly identify and pinpoint a horses asymmetry, and be able to describe it consistently , systematically and effectively so that is communicates and lands with others.

But we start at square one, with you first. :)

Week 6 - DOING IT! Almost... Learning the Order of Releases

Dividing the horse into quadrants based on BP

Learn the proper order and procedure of releases, one piece at a time, by watching videos

  • The Practice - preparation, grounding, breathing every time should be getting to be automatic
  • Side One
  • Side Two

Week 12 - Business and Strategy

Talking about it to new clients and other horse pros and owners- share the work and the spread the word

  • How it can be used as a tool- identifying primary issues, speeding up healing, PPE, id source of the issues
  • Comparing it to other modalities and therapies-
  • Do they work together or against this system? 
  • When is it too much? What is too much?-Keeping it simple
  • Liability Insurance

FINAL WEEK - Celebration and Gratitude!

Week 12 CELEBRATE COMPLETION and what’s next

  • Share wins, successes 
  • What's next

EXTRA CREDIT! Bonuses and Resources

Dynamite Specialty

ABC Nutrition


 The Equine Documentalist

Horses Inside Out

Warwick Schiller

Dressage Naturally

Gerd Heuschmann

Online Pet Health Vet Rehabbers

WEBB for pets

THomas Teskey

Steven Peters

Jillian Krinenbring

Listening-Stress Spectrums & Horse Communication

How are the horses communicating with us? 

What are they saying?

What are they telling us without saying a word?

What are they telling us in plain language?


  • Case Studies weekly class project horses
  • Other support- Saddle fitting, teeth, feet changes, medical and veterinary

Its Complex but not Complicated (its Intuitive)

Continue putting it all together

Case Studies every day learning from the teachers, the horses

The Future

Research projects




Digital Evaluation and Session forms- Data collection

Flow chart of symptoms-

       - primary symptoms:

       - structural- lameness, r front, l front,  l hind, r hind, both front, both hind, posture, , head tossing, cross cantering, no forward, lethargy, neurologic

      - nutritional- ulcers,colic, poor condition, no muscle, no topline, lethargy, coat condition, other metabolic issues- IR, PSSM, PPSM, 

     -mental/emotional/.behavioral- aggressive, anxious, flightly, shut down, stoic, non responsive, fidgity, ADD, narcoleptic, erratic inconsistent behavior, distant- no connection (catching, grooming, working with, saddling, riding etc; spooking, lack of confidence, performance anxiety

     -internal- allergies,hives,non pregnancy, infertility, 

    - performance- lackluster, unwillingness, no drive, not cometititve, no gas, dangerous, bucking/rearing/explosive, fear bolting, spooky

Trifecta/Triple Crown- Systems crashing- Last resort scenario, nothing is working, everything makes things worse or NO results. at wits end, last chance. - get a series of private consultations and possibly VIP sessions. 

The OPTIMUM HORSE ~ Symmetry Physiology™ Certification Program

This Masterclass is the very first step in learning Symmetry Physiology™.  It is THE tool that may become the Universal Standard to evaluating pain and asymmetry as a diagnostic tool. It is the starting place to become and Equine Performance Technician.

The Founding Members BEGINS!-the first digital version of all the live courses I have taught. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a founding member of The Optimum Horse movement.

In this course, the BIG things you will learn: 

Identify Birth Physiology in any horse 

How the Birth Physiology is the original source of crookedness and asymmetry

Identify the compensation and pain patterns associated with this asymmetry

Identify and address the primary source of stress and dysfunction, and restore the body back to its natural healing state (out of survival)

Identify any asymmetry and imbalance in all areas of equine physiology

Apply hands on techniques and energy work to permanently correct the asymmetry, sources of stress and imbalance 

Apply these techniques work immediately on any horse, at any age and any discipline with any level of prior issues

Get the best out of each and every horse

Establish an entirely new Universal language of pain and asymmetry

The finer points you will learn: 

Distinguish and eliminate Pain from Behavior immediately

Restore posture- Equine Postural Restoration

Dramatically increase connection, relationship and the time it takes

Breakthroughs in training and peak performance as well as athletic ability

The personalized experience you will have:

Connection and collaboration with a forward thinking global equine community

Identify specifically your passion and purpose with horses- the deeper one! 

Become a Pioneer Leading EDGE Horsemanship 

Become an Optimum Horse Equine Performance Technician

Stand out in all crowd

Be a leader in your community

Happiest Healthiest Horses

Happy, satisfied, and loyal clients

Deep empowerment and satisfaction in fulfilling your purpose and making the biggest difference you can


Modules for this program 24
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 $ 10,000.00 USD
 2 Pay Payment Plan
 $ 5,500.00 USD  ( then $5,500.00 USD for 1 months )

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