Welcome to The Optimum Horse - Gateway to Training to be an Equine Performance Technician

Welcome to The Optimum Horse!

The Equine Performance Technician Curriculum is a culmination of my lifelong work to understand WHY horses have challenges in health and performance, HOW to get to the sources, and FIX them permanently.

I have succeeded. Now I am sharing it with you.

This scientifically proven system empowers us as owners, trainers, veterinarians, and practitioners with new tools to help more horses and shift the understanding for optimum health. 

Is it pain?  Usually.  I will teach you how to find it, pinpoint it, explain it, and predict problems at the source. See horses in an entirely new way, connect  ALL the dots and really gain incredible insight into our beloved equines. 

The goal has three tiers: create a Universal language to describe and find undiagnosed pain and asymmetry. Develop a Standard to measure it.  Share our knowledge, wisdom and experience and learn collectively through collaboration.

This the intention of the Symmetry Physiology™ System.

The Masterclass is an incredible diagnostic tool and will answer many questions about the sources of un-diagnosed pain, patterns of compensation, uneven loading, biomechanic asymmetry, lackluster performance, and down and dirty behavior stuff.

The Exclusive Ongoing Membership is for graduates of the Masterclass and continued progress, learning and 1:1 time with me. 

The Certification Course will train you to be an Equine Performance Technician. It is an all live, hands on course for a small group of applicants.

Inspired to learn the whole thing? - I am here with you. It's a beautiful journey, led by the horses. Are you READY? Lets do this! 

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This Free Product is an introduction to The Optimum Horse ~ Symmetry Physiology™. It's an introduction into this powerful system and methods, experiences and theories behind it. The tools and resources will help you understand crookedness and un-diagnosed pain, bio-mechanical unevenness, unidentified stress; and how these will create a LOT of consequences in the whole horse. AND how these issues I have corrected permanently with this system.

This is a big picture overview to help you get answers with your horses and really listen and understand what your horses are telling you.  

Signs of Asymmetry Presentation


Want to learn how to achieve Symmetry and Optimum Health in the Equine Athlete and Companion? Then this presentation is for you!

In this presentation you will learn how to identify these areas in your horses and answer many mysteries of lameness, and crookedness with the big picture overview of challenges and problems in performance, health and safety in your horses:

  • The 7 categories of asymmetry
  • Visualize and understand the normal birth process (parturition) and how this sets up patterns in the horse's body they have throughout life unless identified and eliminated correctly (Via The Optimum Horse and Symmetry Physiology
  • The Origin of Equine Asymmetry, the Signs, and Solution

Tell us about YOU!

Please tell us about your horses and heroes, struggles, and victories!

This is the MOST important part-you and your horse connections.

The better I know you, your horse experiences, your challenges, fears, goals, dreams, and visions- the better I can serve you and help you help horses. 

AND the better you know yourself, the more insights and breakthroughs you will have.

This journey into the known and the hidden in the quest for deeper understanding and clarity into our relationships with horses.

Please tell me about you and any horse stories that come to mind.

The OPTIMUM HORSE ~ Symmetry Physiology™ Certification Program

This Masterclass is the very first step in learning Symmetry Physiology™.  It is a very BIG step- you will get ALL THE TOOLS and ALL the knowledge to put the system into practice right away. It is the first part of The Optimum Horse ~ Equine Performance Technician Curriculum™ 

It is THE tool that may become the Universal Standard for evaluating pain and asymmetry as a diagnostic tool. It is the starting place to become an Equine Performance Technician.

This is the first digital version of all the live courses I have taught.

This course is designed to be very comprehensive and allow you to assess, address, and correct any horse's asymmetry at any time and any age.  These are permanent and cumulative corrections! Learn how now!

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